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Articles and book chapters
Fagorganisering blant unge nyansatte – hva betyr «et kollektivt trykk»?
Kristine Nergaard & Elin Svarstad | 2021 | Søkelys på arbeidslivet
‘I am not only beneficial to the community but to the entire country, I am trained as a researcher now’
Anne Hatløy, Silondile Luthuli, Vaughn John, Lyn Haskins, Sphindile... | 2021 | Global Public Health
Childhood Disability in Rural Niger
Lena Morgon Banks, Jing Liu, Anne Kielland, Ali Bako Tahirou, Abdou... | 2021 | BMJ Pediatrics
Temporary Contracts, Employment Trajectories and Dualisation
Tomas Berglund, Roy A Nielsen, Olof Reichenberg, Jørgen Svalund | 2021 | Work, Employment and Society
Crisis‐Induced Leadership
Karin Vaagland | 2021 | Politics and Governance
A paradise without people
Guri Tyldum | 2021 | Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
A North–South-South partnership in higher education to develop health research capacity in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Christiane Horwood, Sphindile Mapumulo, Lyn Haskins, Vaughn John, S... | 2021 | Health Research Policy and Systems
Trust is in the air: pollution and Chinese citizens' attitudes towards local, regional and central levels of government
Hedda Flatø | 2021 | Journal of Chinese Governance
Securing wage floors in the absence of a statutory minimum wage
Kristin Alsos & Line Eldring | 2021 | images/forsider/ekstern/minimum-wage-regimes.jpg
Sexual Exploitation, Rape and Abuse as a Narrative and a Strategy
Ingunn Bjørkhaug | 2020 | Doing Fieldwork in Areas of International Intervention
Being inclusive when talking about diversity
Silje Andresen | 2021 | Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE)
Decline, revival, change? Religious adaptations among Muslim and non-Muslim immigrant origin youth in Norway
Jon Horgen Friberg og Erika Braanen Sterri | 2021 | International Migration Review.
Bolig som grunnleggende levekårsfaktor
Asgeir Solstad, Kim Christian Astrup, Trond Bliksvær, Inger Lise Sk... | 2021 | Boligsosialt arbeid
Oppfølging på brukerens premisser
Asgeir Solstad, Kim Christian Astrup, Trond Bliksvær, Inger Lise Sk... | 2021 | Boligsosialt arbeid
Bortskjemte nordmenn og sultne innvandrere
Jon Horgen Friberg og Arnfinn H. Midtbøen | 2021 | Arbeiderklassen
Establishing a postgraduate programme in nutritional epidemiology to strengthen resource capacity, academic leadership and research in the democratic republic of Congo
Mapatano Mala Ali, Lyn Haskins, Vaughn John, Anne Hatløy, Silondile... | 2021 | BMC Med Educ
Hvem skal forhandle lønn med lærerne?
Åsmund Arup Seip | 2020 | Utdanningsforskning
Preferences of physicians for public and private sector work
Anthony Scott, Jon Helgeim Holte and Julia Witt | 2020 | Hum Resour Health
Arbeidslivets randsoner
Anne Britt Djuve og Hanne Cecilie Kavli | 2020 | Søkelys på arbeidslivet
Regulating Flexibility: Uber’s Platform as a Technological Work Arrangement
Sigurd Martin Nordli Oppegaard | 2020 | Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies
Welfare and Social Policy in China: Building a New Welfare State
Kristin Dalen | 2020 | The Socialist Market Economy in Asia
Development and nutritional evaluation of local ingredients-based supplements to treat moderate acute malnutrition among children aged below five years
Debritu Nane, Anne Hatløy and Bernt Lindtjørn | 2020 | Food Sci Nutr.
'I have cried a lot'
Anne Faugli, Elin Kufås, Magne Haukland, Ellen K. Kallander, Torlei... | 2020 | Scand J Caring Sci.
’Nå er han borte’. Minoritets- og majoritetsnorske om å følge en som står nær, i siste fase av livet
Beret Bråten | 2020 | Sorgens kultur, del 1: Historiske, samfundsmæssige og kulturelle perspektiver
Who wants to be Norwegian – who gets to be Norwegian?
Jon Horgen Friberg | 2021 | Ethnic and Racial Studies
Socioeconomic Status, Air Pollution and Desire for Local Environmental Protection in China
| 2020 | Journal of Environmental Planning and Management
Global, regional, and national mortality trends in older children and young adolescents (5–14 years) from 1990 to 2016: an analysis of empirical data
Bruno Masquelier, Lucia Hug, David Sharrow, Danzhen You, Daniel Hog... | 2018 | The Lancet
Traff vi blink? Refleksjoner rundt pensjonsreformen, økt yrkesdeltakelse og seniorpolitikk
Tove Midtsundstad | 2020 | Nordisk vâlfärdsforskning/Nordic Welfare Research
Long-term work outcomes and the efficacy of multidisciplinary rehabilitation programs on labor force participation in cancer patients - a protocol for a longitudinal prospective cohort study
Engan, H., Oldervoll, L. M., Bertheussen, G. F., Gaarder, M. H., Ni... | 2020 | Journal of Public Health Research
Exit, Voice or Loyalty? VET Stakeholders’ Response to Large Scale Skilled Emigration From Poland
Kaja Reegård & Horacy Debowski | 2020 | International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training
Nytt land, ny religiøsitet?
Olav Elgvin & Kristian Rose Tronstad | 2013 | Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning
Using Norwegian administrative data for social policy planning or evaluation
Roy A. Nielsen | 2020 | Global Social Security Review
En utdanning til randsonen?
Mona Bråten & Anna Hagen Tønder | 2020 | Søkelys på arbeidslivet
Revisiting the Refugee–Host Relationship in Nakivale Refugee Settlement: A Dialogue with the Oxford Refugee Studies Centre
Ingunn Bjørkhaug | 2020 | Journal on Migration and Human Security
Labor-force participation and working patterns among women and men who have survived cancer: A descriptive 9-year longitudinal cohort study
Birgit Brusletto, Roy A. Nielsen, Harald Engan, Line Oldervoll, Cam... | 2020 | Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Employee Representatives on Company Boards – Hostages, Renegades or Fierce Opponents?
Inger Marie Hagen | 2020 | Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies
Do workplace health-promotion interventions targeting employees with poor health reduce sick-leave probability and disability rates?
Roy A. Nielsen & Tove Midtsundstad | 2020 | Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Surveying migrant populations with respondent-driven sampling
Guri Tyldum | 2020 | International Journal of Social Research Methodology
Parents as agents in strategies to prevent radicalization
Beret Bråten & Silje Sønsterudbråten | 2018 | Violent Extremism in the 21st Century.
Døden et kirkelig anliggende
Beret Bråten | 2019 | Alt som lever må dø. Døden som tverrfaglig forskningsfelt.
Chaplaincy and religious plurality in the Norwegian context
Grung Anne-Hege & Beret Bråten. | 2019 | Tidsskrift for praktisk teologi
Guiding migrant parents in Nordic Welfare States. Cases from Norway and Sweden
Bråten Beret, Kristina Gustafsson & Silje Sønsterudbråten | 2020 | Family Life in Transition. Borders, Transnational Mobility and Welfare Society in Nordic Countries
Experience, stereotypes and discrimination. Employers’ reflection on their hiring behavior
Gunn Elisabeth Birkelund, Lars E. F. Johannessen,Erik Børve Rasmuss... | 2020 | European Societies
Industrial action research: the Norwegian way
Anne Inga Hilsen & Tonny Kværne | 2020 | European Journal of Workplace Innovation
Factors associated with quality of life for children affected by parental illness or substance abuse
Ellen Katrine Kallander, Bente M. Weimand, Ketil Hanssen‐Bauer, Bet... | 2020 | ScandinavianJournal of Caring Sciences
Konflikt mellom dannelse og kompetansemål
Silje Andresen | 2020 | Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift
Job quality through upskilling?
Tove Mogstad Aspøy | 2020 | Journal of Education and Work
Brukerstemmen i tjenesteutvikling -noen dilemmaer
Vidar Bakkeli & Arne Backer Grønningsæter | 2019 | Tjenesteutvikling ved ulike former for samarbeid
Employment opportunities for people with intellectual disabilities
Jan Tøssebro & Terje Olsen | 2020 | Choice, Preference, and Disability. Promoting Self-Determination Across the Lifespan.
Lojalitet i spill. Eierskap i implementering av et matematikkdidaktisk tiltak i Oslo-skolen
Kaja Reegård og Jon Rogstad | 2019 | Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift