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Articles and book chapters
The ARV roll out and the disability grant: a South African dilemma?
de Paoli MM, Mills E and Grønningsæter AB | 2012 | Journal of the International AIDS Society 2012, 15:6
The ‘Guest-Worker Syndrome’ Revisited?
Jon Horgen Friberg | 2012 | Nordic Journal of Migration Research.
Culture at work: Polish migrants in the ethnic division of labour on Norwegian construction sites
Jon Horgen Friberg | 2012 | Ethnic and Racial Studies
Central and Eastern European labour migration to Norway
Jon Horgen Friberg, Kristian Rose Tronstad og Jon Erik Dølvik | 2012 | Free Movement of Workers and Labour Market Adjustment, Recent experiences from OECD countries and the European Union
The stages of migration. From going abroad to settling down
Jon Horgen Friberg | 2012 | Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Trust and Informal Practice among Elites in East Central and South East Europe
Aadne Aasland, Åse B. Grødeland and Heiko Pleines | 2012 | Europe-Asia Studies
Yrkesfagenes status – et spørsmål om innbyrdes forhold mellom arbeid og utdanning. En kommentar med en komparativ og historisk tilnærming.
Ole Johnny Olsen | 2012 | Søkelys på arbeidslivet
Tilrettelegging og seniortiltak – påvirker det kommuneansattes sykefravær og tidligpensjonering?
T. Midtsundstad, R. A. Nielsen and Å. Hermansen | 2012 | Søkelys på arbeidslivet
Effects of companies’ initiatives to reduce early retirement among older workers.
T. Midtsundstad, Å. Hermansen and R. A. Nielsen | 2012 | Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies
Pengene eller livet? Eldres arbeidsmotivasjon og yrkesdeltakelse
Tove Midtsundstad | 2012 | Arbeidslinja. Arbeidsmotivasjonen og velferdsstaten
The Development and Psychometric Properties of the Humanitarian Emergency Settings Perceived Needs (HESPER) Scale
Maya Semrau, Mark van Ommeren, Monica Blagescu, Andre Griekspoor, Lou… | 2012 |
Child Mortality Estimation
Jon Pedersen and Jing Liu | 2012 |
Variable pay, collective bargaining and trade unions
Kristine Nergaard og Jon Erik Dølvik | 2011 | Economic and Industrial Democracy
Cancer patients’ needs for rehabilitation services
Lene Thorsen, Gunhild M. Gjerset, Jon Håvard Loge, Cecilie E. Kiserud… | 2011 | Acta Oncologica
Social support at work and work changes among cancer survivors in Norway
Steffen Torp, Sævar B. Gudbergsson, Alv A. Dahl, Sophie D. Fosså og T… | 2011 | Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Employee elected directors on company boards: Stakeholder representatives or the voice of labour?
Inger Marie Hagen | 2011 |
Medarbejdervalgte medlemmer av bestyrelsen – hvorfor benytter ikke alltid de ansatte deres rettigheter?
Inger Marie Hagen | 2011 |
CSR – included in the company interests and company strategies?
Inger Marie Hagen | 2011 |
Sustainable decisions and social dialogue – some significant developments in Norway
Inger Marie Hagen | 2011 |
Changes in the regulation of overtime in different collective bargaining regimes
Heidi Nicolaisen | 2011 |
Increasingly Equalized
Heidi Nicolaisen | 2011 | Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies
Hvordan går det med de som har vært arbeidssøkere i 2 år?
Åshild Male Kalstø, Magne Bråthen og Johannes Sørbø | 2011 | Arbeid og velferd
Personer med nedsatt arbeidsevne - Hvem er de?
Magne Bråthen | 2011 | Arbeid og velferd
’Hun oppfattes sikkert veldig som norsk’ – om betydningen av etnisk minoritetsbakgrunn når kandidater vurderes
Beret Bråten | 2011 | Sosiologi i dag
Changing teams: a participant perspective on citizenship ceremonies
Anniken Hagelund | 2011 | Citizenship Studies
Safe in the hands of the interpreter?
Kermit, Patrick, Odd Morten Mjøen & Terje Olsen | 2011 |
Introductory programmes for immigrants –liberalism revisited, or changing ideas of citizenship?
| 2011 | Nordic Journal of Migration Research
When Spheres collapse: conflict, gender and perceptions of belonging in a Kurdish Community
Nerina Weiss | 2011 |
Tense Relations: Dealing with narratives on Violence in Eastern Turkey
Nerina Weiss | 2011 |
Maria Six-Hohenbalken and Nerina Weiss | 2011 |
Violence Expressed. An Anthropological Approach
Maria Six-Hohenbalken and Nerina Weiss | 2011 |
If work is out of sight. Activation and citizenship for new refugees
Anniken Hagelund og Hanne C. Kavli | 2011 | Journal of European Social Policy
The Ruggie Framework
Mark Taylor | 2011 | Etikk i praksis
Make Me an Offer I Can’t Refuse – Do Extra Days off Contribute to Seniors Staying at Work longer?
Reichborn-Kjennerud, K., Gamperiene, M. & Hilsen, A. I. | 2011 |
Older Workers: The Jam in the Sandwich
Richard Ennals og Anne Inga Hilsen | 2011 |
A Three Phase Perspective on Senior Policies
Robert Salomon og Anne Inga Hilsen | 2011 |
Balancing Power – The Give and Take of Tripartism in Transition Economies
Anne Inga Hilsen | 2011 |
Grenseløst engasjement. Sosial kapital og behovet for transnasjonale perspektiver
Jon Rogstad | 2011 |
Patterns of Participation. Engagement among ethnic Minorities and the Native Population in Oslo and Stockholm
Gunnar Myrberg og Jon Rogstad | 2011 |
Godt gift? Betydningen av ektefellens landbakgrunn for kvinnelige etterkommeres arbeidsdeltakelse
Idunn Brekke og Jon Rogstad | 2011 | Søkelys på arbeidslivet
The Art of Articulation: Political Engagement and Social Movements in the Making among young adults in Multicultural settings in Norway
Jon Rogstad and Viggo Vestel | 2011 | Social Movement Studies
Fighting Corruption in Public Procurement in Post-Communist States: Obstacles and Solutions
Åse B. Grødeland and Aadne Aasland | 2011 | Communist and Post-Communist Studies
Civil Society in Post-Communist Europe: Perceptions and Use of Contacts
Åse B. Grødeland and Aadne Aasland | 2011 | Journal of Civil Society
How the Worker Collective may Moderate Active Ageing Policy and its Outcomes
T. Midtsundstad and H. Bogen | 2011 | Labour, Education & Society
Seniorpolitikk – behov for justering? Analyse av praksis i seks foregangskommuner
T. Midtsundstad og H. Bogen | 2011 | Søeklys på arbeidslivet
Inclusive workplaces and older employees: an analysis of companies’ investment in retaining senior workers
T. Midtsundstad | 2011 | The International Journal of Human Resource Management
Employment of disabled people in Norway and the United Kingdom
Inger Lise Skog Hansen, Tone A. Andreassen and Nigel Meager | 2011 | Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research
La téléphonie mobile facteur de développement?
Jean-Michel Huet, Isabelle Viennois, Pierre Labarthe and Tewodros Ara… | 2010 | L'Expansion Management Review
Gender and Entrepreneurship: Revealing Constructions and Underlying Processes – the case of Norway
Gry Alsos, Ragnhild Steen Jensen og Elisabet Ljungren | 2010 |
Anmeldelse av «Kvinners arbeid»
Ragnhild Steen Jensen | 2010 | Sosiologisk tidsskrift