Camilla Houeland is part of Fafo's labour relations group. She is an Associate Professor II at the Department of Sociology and Human Geography, University if Oslo.
Camilla holds a PhD in development studies, with a dissertation on Nigerian trade unions in the political economy of oil (2017). Before she joined Fafo, she held a postdoctoral position at University of Oslo, studying how Norwegian and Nigerian oil workers accessed their own roles in a green transition.
Area of work
Current projects
To reach the internationally agreed upon climate targets, we must move away from fossil energy dependencies. This will bring profound changes to our economic, social and political systems, not least in relation labour markets. The project (PHASE) is about the impacts of the green transition on working life and the conditions for economic democratic participation in the new energy systems and beyond.
Articles and book chapters
Other publications
Completed projects
How can the petroleum workers' skills contribute to and be used in a green transition? What actions are needed for a just, green transition?
OGT aims to generate evidence and co-produced pathways for policy action to accelerate oil and gas transitions in the UK, Denmark and Norway.