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NORHED Annual Programme Report 2015

The Norwegian Programme for Capacity Development in Higher Education and Research for Development (NORHED) aims strengthening higher education and research in low and middle income countries.

The objective of NORHED’s program is measured by whether the grantees produce more graduates, both men and women, and whether these graduates are better qualified in six identified areas/sub-programs as well as by the quantity and quality of research relevant to these areas. The program is expected to have an impact by contributing to more skilled workforce, increased knowledge, evidence-based policy and decision making, and greater gender equality in the long term.

Following the first year report, the purpose of Fafo’s assignment is to aggregate the results and achievements at the project level in 2015, to the programme level with the intention of providing an overview of NORHED’s activities, key achievements, results and best practices so far. In addition, the main focus of the 2015 annual report is to provide in-depth understanding and insights of some NORHED projects focusing on two countries: Uganda and Ethiopia. Given the two countries represent the largest NORHED portfolio in implementing several projects through collaboration and management of fund across a number of countries, a closer examination will provide enriched information of project progress, results and obstacles and expected to inform future programme level decisions and directions. The second year report is expected to be published in November 2016.



  • Oppstart:
    februar 2015
  • Avsluttes:
    desember 2015


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