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The Scandinavian experience of integrating women and the young into the labour market

Ekstern rapport |  2021
25. februar 2022
Youth inclusion and gender equality in the Greek labour market. Trends, challenges, and lessons from the Nordic countries    Dimitris Katsikas, Daphne Nicolitsas, and Tone Fløtten (Eds.)
Strand, A. H. & Jensen, R. S. (2021) The Scandinavian experience of integrating women and the young into the labour market. In D. Katsikas, D.Nicolitsas & T. Fløtten (Eds.). (2021). Youth inclusion and gender equality in the Greek labour market. Trends, challenges, and lessons from the Nordic countries. (pp. 349 - 426) Hellenic foundation for European & foreign policy. Papazissis Publishers