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The Scandinavian experience of integrating women and the young into the labour market

  • Ekstern rapport  | 
  • 2021
  • 25. februar 2022
  • Youth inclusion and gender equality in the Greek labour market. Trends, challenges, and lessons from the Nordic countries    
  • Dimitris Katsikas, Daphne Nicolitsas, and Tone Fløtten (Eds.)
Strand, A. H. & Jensen, R. S. (2021) The Scandinavian experience of integrating women and the young into the labour market. In D. Katsikas, D.Nicolitsas & T. Fløtten (Eds.). (2021). Youth inclusion and gender equality in the Greek labour market. Trends, challenges, and lessons from the Nordic countries. (pp. 349 - 426) Hellenic foundation for European & foreign policy. Papazissis Publishers