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  • Laurie Blome Jacobsen

Finding Means. Summary Report

UNRWA’s Financial Situation and the Living Conditions of Palestinian Refugees

  • Fafo-report 415
  • Fafo-report 415

After 50 years of refugeehood, minor differences exist between the living conditions of the Palestinian refugee population and their neighbours in the host countries in which they live. This is in large part due to the health, education and welfare services provided by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), the international community and the governments of the host countries.
Since the early 1990s, the budget of UNRWA has faced a significant shortage of resources relative to the level of funding identified by the Agency as necessary to maintain a constant level of basic services to Palestinian refugees residing throughout the region.

This summary report of Finding Means: UNRWA’s Financial Crisis and the Living Conditions among Palestinian Refugees brings together a wide range of analysis relevant for the policy debate on the present financial situation of UNRWA’s impact on Palestinian refugee living conditions, as well as future provision and financing of services. Topics covered include refugee living conditions, poverty and demographics, UNRWA services, and UNRWA budgetary and donor environment. The summary analysis is based upon three volumes of work completed for the project.

The project is funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Swiss Agency for International Development. Norway has financed a series of living conditions’ studies and surveys among the Palestinian refugees in their host countries and the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Building on this original set of studies, Norway commissioned Fafo to product this study out of commitment to UNRWA and in solidarity with the refugees. Switzerland joined the project with an aim to help create debate among professionals within the Palestinian community on the pertinence and meaning of the findings.
The study represents the first comprehensive overview of the situation among the refugees, and a unique data source for further research.

  • Publisert: 13. februar 2003
  • Ordrenr. 415
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