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  • Jon Erik Dølvik, Tone Fløtten, Jon M. Hippe and Bård Jordfald

The Nordic model towards 2030. A new chapter?

NordMod2030. Final report

  • Fafo-report 2015:07
  • Fafo-report 2015:07
The Nordic countries have clear similarities. With their small, open economies, well-developed welfare states and organized working life, they have given us the term “the Nordic model”. NordMod 2030 is a Nordic research project analysing developments of the past 25 years and identifying the challenges that the Nordic countries will face in the years through 2030. This final report summarizes the insights and findings of the project’s 17 subreports. It is intended to serve as a source of knowledge in debates over the renewal and further development of the Nordic model. The project was commissioned by SAMAK in cooperation with FEPS. The English translation of this Final report is financed by Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.
  • Publisert: 4. februar 2015
  • Ordrenr. 20412