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  • Kari Hauge Riisøen, Anne Hatløy, Lise Bjerkan

Travel to Uncertainty

A study of child relocation in Burkina Faso, Ghana and Mali

  • Fafo-report 440
  • Fafo-report 440
This report presents the results of the link between child trafficking and child relocation in three West-African countries: Burkina Faso, Ghana, and Mali. The main goal of the study was to detect whether traditional forms of child relocation, such as fostering and child migration, have preventive effect on child trafficking – or on the contrary whether they increase trafficking. Principal findings are that all working children in the three countries are at risk of being exploited, regardless of migration status; that the same children that are more exposed to trafficking are also to some extent more exposed to exploitation in general; and that some arenas and employers are more exploitative than others.

The report is the second in a series of working papers from a Fafo research program on child labour, generously financed by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affaires.
  • Publisert: 16. februar 2004
  • Ordrenr. 440
Last ned publikasjonen
