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Terje Olsen

Research director

Terje Olsen has extensive experience as a researcher. He has led and participated in a number of research projects on the welfare state's organization and working methods.

He has been involved in working life studies, disability research, young people at risk of long-term exclusion, legal protection and security for vulnerable groups.

Terje Olsen is editor-in-chief of Nordisk välfärdsforskning | Nordic Welfare Research.


PhD, Uppsala University, Department of Sociology

Area of work

Current projects

Mapping of accessibility and universal design - Oslo open
Accessibility and universal design for the public and artists are central to Oslo Open's work. The organisation is seeking research support to carry out a survey of the situation regarding accessibility and universal design of premises for artists working in Oslo.
Designing Equitable and Effective Strategies to Combat Violence, Hate, and Discrimination: between wholeness and fragmentation

The diversity of the Norwegian population has received increasing attention in the development of public policy and services in recent decades. A diversity perspective implies an acknowledgement that the risk of violence and discrimination, the form and direction of the violations, as well as the victims' and practitioners' need for help, can vary between and within groups - based on constellations of and intersectional interaction between a number of dimensions of inequality and power, such as gender, age, social background, ethnicity, religion, functional ability, sexual orientation, etc.

designing equitable and effective strategies to combat violence hate and discrimination
The aim of this research project is to further develop the knowledge of society's efforts against violence, violations and discrimination. Researchers from Fafo, Nordland Research Institute and NOVA/OsloMet collaborate on the accomplichment. The project will be carried out from 2022 to 2025 on behalf of The Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs (Bufdir).
Barometer of inequality
The aim of the project is to measure and analyze the development of economical and social inequality.
Editorial work, Nordic Welfare Research
The journal publishes articles on a broad range of welfare and social policy issues concerning the Nordic welfare states, such as the living conditions and life situation of the population, employment and labor market inclusion, social services, care, health, disability.

Other publications

Completed projects

Hate speech against persons with disabilities
A study of the vulnerability of people with disabilities to hate speech, hate crime and everyday discrimination in Norway. Fafo and the welfare research institute NOVA at OsloMet have carried out the project on behalf of Bufdir.
A study of the Oslohjelpa in the district of Alna, Bjerke and Søndre Nordstrand
In this project, Fafo, in collaboration with Economics Norway, will study how Oslohjelpa is organized and works in three districts in Oslo.
Food aid in Norway

Fafo and ISF will together explore the Norwegian food aid system.

Taking a new grip - methods for including people with intellectual disbilities in work

Innovation project. Stavanger municipality will create new possibilities for inclusion, self-determination and participation in work and activity for adults with intellectual disabilities.

Welfare benefits - security under the law for persons with combined income

In this project, we will investigate how NAV ensures predictability and equal treatment for service users in more marginal areas of the legal framework. We will do this by using decisions on sickness benefit, nursing benefits and parental benefits for people who combine income as workers, freelancers and self-employed. The purpose is to shed light on the challenges that arise for supervisors and case officers in NAV in the process from the user's first contact with NAV until a final decision is made.

Evaluation: FOR ALLE

A research-based evaluation of Sparebankstiftelsen SR-Bank’s initiative FOR EVERYONE! The evaluation will provide knowledge about the extent the donations reach the target groups, and what, if any, characterizes the projects that have good goal achievement.

Microaggressions and the mental health of disabled youth

Microaggression is the sum of remarks, derogatory comments, and negative reminders about being different. Disabled people In Norway are harmed by microaggression although the extent is not known. The project will develop knowledge about the forms of microaggression that affects young people with disabilities or chronic diseases. This has not been investigated before in Norway. International studies have shown links between microaggression and reduced mental health and social participation. The aim is to map expressions and forms of microaggression and study any consequences for the individual and for society.

Training and learning outcomes in Kirkens SOS
This study aims to support the Church SOS 'emergency telephone service's quality and training work. The main emphasis will be on volunteers' learning outcomes and the extent to which the introductory course is useful for the work the volunteer is to perform in the telephone and chat service. The study will also shed light on the perceived advantages and disadvantages of digital courses versus training courses with physical attendance.
Is advertising practice in the municipalities a barrier to full-time culture

The project will study the processes that lead to job advertisements in health and the care sector in the municipalities, especially part-time positions

Evaluation - Child Welfare
The aim of the project «Barnehjernevernet» (Children's Brain Protection Welfare Service) is to prevent, detect and offer assistance to children and young people who experience neglect, violence or sexual abuse.
Contribution to Oslo municipality's living condition evaluation project

Evaluation of three concepts implemented as part of Oslo municipality's project on living conditions 2018-2019