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  • Line Eldring

Trade unions that cross borders

A study of the cooperation agreement between Latvijas Celtnieku Arodbiedrības (LCA) and Fellesforbundet

  • Fafo-report 2015:38
  • Fafo-report 2015:38

In 2007, Latvijas Celtnieku Arodbiedrības – LCA (The Latvian Builders’ Trade Union) and Fellesforbundet signed an agreement that commits the parties to comprehensive organizational and union-related cooperation. Such cooperation is frequently being called for in an increasingly globalized labour market, while there are few examples of such cooperation being implemented in practice. This report takes a closer look at how this cooperation was initiated, how it has been organized and the results that have been produced.

  • Publisert: 6. august 2015
  • Ordrenr. 20443
