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Rebecca Nybru Gleditsch


Current projects

Attitudes toward vaccination - a qualitative study
The ambition of the project is to get to know more about attitudes towards vaccination among elderly people (+65), pregnant women and health professionals who themselves are engaged in vaccination. The project uses qualitative methods; interviews and focusgroups in order to generate datamateriale suited for knowledge on how attitudes are created.
HealthIntro - a study to increase the successful participation of refugees with health problems in the integration program

In the project Healthintro, the aim is to generate scientific knowledge and competency in municipalities that will improve conditions for refugees with health problems in the introduction program, and their chances to succeed in the labour market and society. The project is financed by the Research Council of Norway and led by the Arctic University of Norway (UiT).

Evaluation of the new standardized elements in Norwegian introductory programs for refugees
Fafo will, from 2021-2024, evaluate the introduction of new standardized elements in the introductory program for refugees and immigrants.
Evaluation of the upper secondary education reform "Fagfornyelsen"

Fafo, NIFU and Oslo Met jointly evaluate the national upper secondary vocational education reform "Fagfornyelsen" which introduces both new curricula and a new program and structure. The research-based evaluation is organized into five work packages: Governance and implementation, Didactics, Apprentice/Student perspective, Labour market relevance, and Synthesis.

Completed projects

A study of the Oslohjelpa in the district of Alna, Bjerke and Søndre Nordstrand
In this project, Fafo, in collaboration with Economics Norway, will study how Oslohjelpa is organized and works in three districts in Oslo.
Voluntary associations as information providers during Covid-19

The project will assess extraordinary grants to voluntary organizations for information measures for the immigrant population, and discuss the role of civil society in connection with the covid-19 pandemic. Carried out in collaboration between Fafo and the National Institute of Public Health.