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Senior Policy for Whom? The distributional consequences and effects of initiatives to promote active ageing

The main aim of the proposed project is to examine whether today's senior-policy initiatives reach the intended target groups and have the desired effect on retirement behaviour.

Even if there are a number of studies on initiatives to hinder exclusion and early retirement, there is a lack of knowledge as to which senior-policy initiatives actually have an impact on retirement behaviour.

The project will therefore analyse whether the senior-policy initiatives provided in Norwegian working life affect retirement behaviour, and how they possibly affect different groups of employees dependent on the enterprises' economic situation.

The project will carry out analyses based on individual-level registry information on all employees over 50 years of age (2000-2012) in a representative sample of 800 Norwegian enterprises, of which 50 per cent had senior-policy initiatives, and 50 per cent did not.

Such a design and data basis provide a foundation for drawing far safer statistical conclusions about the effects of initiatives on retirement behaviour generally, and its possible differing effects across sectors, industries, types of enterprise and employees. To analyse the data we will use a difference-in-difference approach.

The design of the study then makes possible a discussion of whether there may be a need for a more nuanced and flexible arsenal of senior policy initiatives on the national and corporate level to meet the real needs of different employee groups under differing economic conditions.


Prosjektet inkluderer PhD-stipendiat Åsmund Hermansen.

Han disputerer for doktorgraden ved HiOA  13. desember 2016 - se




  • Oppstart:
    januar 2013
  • Avsluttes:
    desember 2018


  • Norges Forskningsråd (prosjektnr. 218364)



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