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  • Anne Hatløy and Ketil Bråthen

The Salt Partnership 2019–2021

Progress and achievements

  • Fafo Report 2022:32
  • Fafo Report 2022:32

The Salt Partnership existed from 2015 to 2021 as an agreement between the Norwegian Directorate of Health, food producers, the catering industry, trade and industry organisations, R&D and interest organisations.

The aim of the partnership has been to stimulate the food and catering industry to reduce the content of salt in foodstuffs and served food, and to increase awareness of salt and health in the population. From 2016, the Salt Partnership was included in the letter of intent for a healthier diet. This report describes the development in the salt content in various food categories and also describes how the collaborative model has worked. The food industry has cooperated systematically to bring about a gradual salt reduction in small steps. This important work is a process that takes time and requires patience. Small, gradual changes are needed to succeed, and the industry has stood together for this.

From 2022, work on salt reduction will continue as part of the Letter of intent for a healthier diet.

  • Publisert: 11. april 2023
  • Ordrenr. 20835




  • Helsedirektoratet