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Anne Hege Strand


Current projects

Engaging workplaces: A social partners perspective on youth activation
How can workplaces – encompassing employers, employees, and the organisational structures in which they are embedded – be reconfigured to facilitate the successful inclusion of vulnerable youth struggling to enter and retain a position in the labour market?
Youth with neurobiological diagnoses

The NEUROLIFE project maps experiences with and perspectives on living conditions, social participation, and public services among young people with neurodevelopmental diagnoses (ADHD, Autism and Tourette's Syndrome). A disproportionate number of young adults with these diagnoses meet physical, social, and financial challenges. There are clear limitations to how the public services are currently able to provide the support this group could need to have better lives.

YOUTHShare. A Place for Youth in Mediterranean EEA: Resilient and Sharing Economies for NEETs

The project aims at reducing youth unemployment in coastal and island regions of Mediterranean EEA.

Fafo publications

Completed projects

Welfare benefits - security under the law for persons with combined income

In this project, we will investigate how NAV ensures predictability and equal treatment for service users in more marginal areas of the legal framework. We will do this by using decisions on sickness benefit, nursing benefits and parental benefits for people who combine income as workers, freelancers and self-employed. The purpose is to shed light on the challenges that arise for supervisors and case officers in NAV in the process from the user's first contact with NAV until a final decision is made.

Evaluating "Snakke" and "Jeg vet"

The overall objective of this project is to evaluate the implementation process as well as the effect of, and experiences with, two learning resources about violence and abuse against children: "" (talk with children) and "Jeg Vet". (I know)

Youth Employment and Gender Equality: Mobilizing human capital for sustainable growth in Greece

Greece has major challenges related to low employment rates among young people and women. The purpose of the project is to document and analyze the situation in the Greek labor market in order to uncover barriers that affect young people's and women's labor market participation. Furthermore, it will propose measures that may contribute to increased employment among young people, including what measures can be taken to break gender-related barriers.

Survey among Norwegian youth

Fafo will conduct a survey among young people between 16 and 25 years of age. The goal is to gain knowledge about young people's ambitions and opinions. Topics are education, career choices, attitudes to the trade union movement and key political issues.

Young people in deprived city living areas

This project takes as its starting point young persons’ own experiences as it explores which factors that support or hinder social inclusion of young persons with immigration backgrounds growing up in deprived city areas.

Evaluation of reinforced youth effort

The project will evaluate new and reinforced youth effort, which was introduced in NAV in 2017.

Services and ME

About the meeting between ME-patients and their next of kin and the public services. Register data, qualitative interviews and a survey will be used to gather new information about this patient group.

Evaluation of National grant scheme against child poverty

The aim of this evaluation is to get more knowledge about the impact of this grant scheme as part of the overall work against child poverty.

Veier inn i, gjennom, og ut av arbeidsavklaringspenger

he aim of this project is to analyse the effects of the implementation of work assessment allowance (AAP), three years into the existence of the benefit.