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Beret Bråten

Research director

Current projects

Attitudes toward vaccination - a qualitative study
The ambition of the project is to get to know more about attitudes towards vaccination among elderly people (+65), pregnant women and health professionals who themselves are engaged in vaccination. The project uses qualitative methods; interviews and focusgroups in order to generate datamateriale suited for knowledge on how attitudes are created.
Evaluation of the Stine Sofie Centre

On behalf of the Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs (Bufdir), Fafo will conduct an evaluation of the government grant to the Stine Sofie Center.

Evaluation of the new standardized elements in Norwegian introductory programs for refugees
Fafo will, from 2021-2024, evaluate the introduction of new standardized elements in the introductory program for refugees and immigrants.

Fafo publications

Other publications

Completed projects

Voluntary associations as information providers during Covid-19

The project will assess extraordinary grants to voluntary organizations for information measures for the immigrant population, and discuss the role of civil society in connection with the covid-19 pandemic. Carried out in collaboration between Fafo and the National Institute of Public Health.

Knowledge building: Measures fighting negative social control and forced marriages

This is a research project in two parts: 1) an evaluation following a measure where young people exposed to negative social control, honour based violence and/or forced marriage - have access to mentors who are volunteers. 2) an examination of civil society projects supposed to promote negative social control and forced marriages. We are going to explore how organizations evaluate their measures and how users evaluate them. An important question is whether measures fit the ambitions of authorities, civil society and volunteers.

Innvandrerorganisasjoners rolle og potensial i lokalt integreringsarbeid

Immigrant organisations and voluntary work receive funding from the government. The funding is distributed through 20 muncipalites.

Muslim Politics and Governance of Islam: Interactions of Structure and Culture in Multi-religious Europe

This project addresses how Muslim political thought in Europe is affected by societal structures, and, conversely, how the development of societal structures in Europe is affected by Muslim politics and activism.