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Hanne Cecilie Kavli

Managing director

Hanne Cecilie Kavli is managing director of Fafo.

Before this, she was a senior researcher and research director at Fafo, with immigration and integration as her area of specialty. She holds a PhD in sociology and works on a wide range of topics related to labor, welfare, trust, and integration.

Kavli has published a large number of research reports at Fafo and several articles and book chapters nationally and internationally. She has broad methodological competence and experience with register data, survey data, and qualitative data.

Kavli has extensive leadership experience, both as a research manager and as a research director with strategic management of the institute's research work. She has extensive experience in leading researchers, research projects, and coordinating and leading international collaborative projects. She has also conducted extensive mentoring and editorial work, most recently as the editor for Fafo's anniversary anthology in 2023 and an international anthology on part-time work published by Policy Press in 2019.

She engages in extensive outreach work and has participated as a member of several publicly appointed committees.


PhD in sociology, University of Oslo

Area of work

Current projects

Nordic Street-Level Integration Work
Fafo coordinates a Nordic network of researchers within the field of Street-Level Integration Work. A focus on what happens at the street-level, in the operationalization of policy to practice and in interaction with concrete individuals, provides important contributions to the how and why of integration work and outcomes of integration efforts in the Nordic countries. The network organizes a workshop-series designed to promote, develop, and support collaborative research on integration work in street-level organizations in the Nordic countries.
Trust among refugees. The impact of welfare state institutions

This project sets out to study how institutional and social trust develops over time among newly arrived refugees in Norway and Denmark. Our focus is on the role of welfare state institutions: How do different institutions, policies and street-level practices influence refugees’ trust in host country institutions?

HealthIntro - a study to increase the successful participation of refugees with health problems in the integration program

In the project Healthintro, the aim is to generate scientific knowledge and competency in municipalities that will improve conditions for refugees with health problems in the introduction program, and their chances to succeed in the labour market and society. The project is financed by the Research Council of Norway and led by the Arctic University of Norway (UiT).

Evaluation of the new standardized elements in Norwegian introductory programs for refugees
Fafo will, from 2021-2024, evaluate the introduction of new standardized elements in the introductory program for refugees and immigrants.
Barometer of inequality
The aim of the project is to measure and analyze the development of economical and social inequality.

Fafo publications

Articles and book chapters

Other publications

Completed projects

Career guidance for newly arrived refugees and immigrants

According to the new Integration Act, refugees and immigrants have the right and/or obligation to carry out career guidance when they arrive in Norway. In this project, we examine how the offer of career guidance is organised, what strengths and weaknesses exist in the current models and how the offer can be further developed so that it best meets the needs of newly arrived refugees and immigrants.

CILS-NOR: The Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Study in Norway
The Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Study in Norway is a long term research program designed to study social mobility and cultural adaptation among children of immigrants and their majority peers in the capital region of Norway.
Political trends towards 2035

The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV) has asked for an analysis of possible political trends up to 2035, and the consequences for public administration. One challenge in the years to come is how to maintain a sustainable welfare state.

How do municipalities provide education to refugees during the pandemic?

Refugee advisors and teachers who work with the introduction program for refugees find that they have a demanding task of keeping teaching volume and, not least, quality, up these days. Municipalities shall ensure that participants in the introductory program receive educational services, and that participants in training in Norwegian and social sciences receive training even if their place of instruction is currently closed, unless it is not possible to offer the training via digital aids or in other ways. Fafo will investigate how municipalities, among other things, use digital tools to achieve this, and how they solve their responsibilities for various participants during the pandemic.

Economic incentives and integration of refugees

In 2019, Fafo and Frisch formulated three proposals for the use of financial incentives in the integration work for refugees and immigrants.

Effects of training for newly arrived immigrant pupils

Today, there is a great variety in what educational programs meet pupils with short residence time in Norway. The research done so far is not clear on which offers work best.

Competence mapping and career guidance

The project examines how early competence mapping and career guidance, two recently introduced measures, can help recently settled refugees make more targeted qualification and career choices, and help municipalities to better adapt their services to refugees.

Development of models for economic incentives in the introductory programme
In this project we will develop models for economic incentives designed to improve the results in the introductory programme and language training for newly arrived immigrants. In phase 2 and 3 (yet to be commissioned) we will pilot and test the models.
Part-time careers in Norway – the end of normalization? Women’s working time adaptation in a longitudinal perspective

In this project, we explore the new realities and implications of part-time working. The spotlight focuses particularly on the relationship between ‘good and bad’ part-time working in a national and international perspective.

Videre analyse av etablert datamateriale om familiepraksis og likestilling i innvandrende familier

Family practices and gender equality among immigrants and immigrant descendants in Norway.

Deltid blant kvinner med innvandrerbakgrunn

Part-time work among immigrant women in Norway